Male Menopause Symptoms and Its Strategies in Surviving Depression

It is not surprising that men are not spared from biological occurrences. Like women, men have also their menopausal stage. The male menopause known as andropause is a condition wherein the hormones of males naturally decline. Moreover, changes in their lives such as reordering life, career change, or divorce also happens. These events bring physiological and psychological changes which can later on become depression.

Andropause usually occurs in men at the age fifty and above. But some people are asking questions whether andropause is real or only a myth. Well, it is a fact that hormonal decline is not prevented as one person ages. However, the hormone declines in men are more gradual compared to women’s menopause. That is why andropause is medically termed as A.D.A.M or Androgen Decline in Aging Males.

Like women’s menopause, andropause in men are also characterized by different symptoms. These symptoms are apparent which are being manifested by erectile dysfunction or the failure of achieving an erection, mood changes, general tiredness, palpitations, and night sweats. Palpitations and night sweats happen because the autonomic system of men is overactive responding to their testosterone falling levels. But erectile dysfunction is considered the most important symptom of andropause.

Feelings to be closer to their family as well as friends are also developed during the andropause stage. Men in their early stage of life often focus on money, career, and power but when andropause strikes them, the transitions are clearly seen. These men became more concerned with their family and friends as if they regret their past attitudes.

Another symptom that is commonly reported is memory loss associated with the aging process. Nevertheless it is only minor and will not affect daily functioning compared to Alzheimer’s disease.

As been said, andropause brings changes in men both physically and psychologically. Therefore, men should handle issues and changes carefully because these can cause stress. If stress is not successfully managed then depression might take place. But worry no more since there are six strategies so that men can successfully passed the andropause stage.

1. Learning to reward and love themselves and others. Remember that it is much better to give than to receive. It is very important to leave legacies.

2. Controlling and organizing their self. Keep in mind that discipline is vital as they face their later life. It is much better not to abuse themselves with alcohol and cigarettes. Time management is also good for preparing wills, advancing directives, and designating management.

3. Exercising. Muscle and cardiovascular conditioning surely helps in delaying aging processes.

4. Having good relaxation and rest periods. This is good for coping up with physiological changes.

5. Obtaining the right diet. Take note that it is necessary to eat foods suited to their age.

6. Enjoying the andropause and aging stage. Accept that there are inevitable things beyond human control. Learn to be satisfied and just make the most out of what life has to offer. Andropause is part of life’s journey so be positive about it and concentrate on acquired blessings rather than being depressed.

Asking for the advice of a doctor can also help. Counseling may treat some physical and psychological changes. Fortunately, treatment for mood changes and erectile dysfunction or impotence is easily accessible today.

Men should take these helpful steps to avoid depression and see the brighter side of life despite facing andropause.


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