
Remodeling Your Bathroom: What to Do If You Find Mold

Each year, thousands of homeowners make the decision to have their bathrooms remodeled. Many of those homeowners enjoy doing their remodeling, but there are others who feel as if they opened up a can of worms. Those homeowners are likely the unlucky bunch who found mold in their bathroom. If you were remodeling your bathroom and you find mold, do you know what to do? Unfortunately, a large number of individuals would not.

Before you familiarize yourself with what you should do if you find mold in your bathroom, it is important to examine what mold is. Mold is scientifically described as being a microscopic fungus. This fungus not only looks unattractive, but it can be dangerous. While some types of mold are considered relatively harmless, there are other types of mold that are considered toxic. Unfortunately, due to the moisture that can be found inside most bathrooms, black, toxic mold can be found in thousands of bathrooms in the United States. If you start to remodel your bathroom and you find mold under your toilet or even under you floor tiles, there is a good chance that you may have black mold on your hands.

As previously mentioned, black mold is often defined as being a toxic mold. This is because it is one of the most dangerous types of all molds. In addition to having respiratory problems, you may develop headaches, skin rashes, fevers, and other flu-like symptoms. Although your first impulse may be to remove the mold yourself, you may want to rethink your decision to do so. When mold is improperly removed, mold spores can spread throughout the rest of your home. That is why it may be good to call upon a professional. That professional will likely be a mold removal specialist or an air quality control specialist.

Although it can be quite expensive to have your mold tested and removed, you will want to do so. If your mold is not taken care of, professionally, it can begin to spread and even move into other parts of your home. Once you have had all of your mold removed from your bathroom, no matter what type of mold it is, you will want to take steps to prevent another mold outbreak from occurring in the future. You can easily do this by incorporating a few extra projects into your bathroom remodeling plan. It may be a good idea to make sure that your bathroom has a fan installed in it.

If you do not already have a bathroom fan installed in your bathroom, you will want to get one right away. It has been noted that working bathroom fans help to eliminate the moisture that mold, particularly black mold, thrives off of. No matter what type of bathroom fan you would like to purchase, whether it be a traditional bathroom fan or a decorative one, you should be able to find whatever you are looking for online or at one of your local home improvement stores.

Regardless of where you purchase a bathroom fan from, you are advised to purchase one, even if you don’t already have a mold problem. Bathroom remodeling projects, even relatively small projects, can get quite costly. For that reasons, you will want to make sure that you do everything to protect your newly remodeled bathroom from being attacked by mold


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  119. Cazrmlr
  120. Sazrdci
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  122. Iariorovm
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  303. GeorgeBut
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  311. hxqbe423
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  340. Randypam
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  342. Davidmouct
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  348. Davidmouct
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  353. ScottFluro
  354. Robertjoiny
  355. Xazrffu
  356. ScottFluro
  357. ScottFluro
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  360. Randypam
  361. Robertjoiny
  362. ScottFluro
  363. Robertjoiny
  364. Davidmouct
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  367. Williamtrero
  368. Sazrkye
  369. Sazrfgq
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  371. Williamtrero
  372. Williamtrero
  373. Randypam
  374. Robertjoiny
  375. Williamtrero
  376. Randypam
  377. Randypam
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  454. Williamdualf
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  508. Dnrtfdm
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  511. Xazruaf
  512. Cazrokb
  513. RobertSkicy
  514. RobertSkicy
  515. Charliewak
  516. Mazrqkq
  517. Lionellic
  518. RobertSkicy
  519. RobertSkicy
  520. Charliewak
  521. RobertSkicy
  522. Lionellic
  523. RobertSkicy
  524. Lionellic
  525. Charliewak
  526. Lionellic
  527. Charliewak
  528. Lazrxhy
  529. Lionellic
  530. Sazrzka
  531. Charliewak
  532. Charliewak
  533. Lionellic
  534. RobertSkicy
  535. Sazrbvq
  536. Charliewak
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  538. Roberthip
  539. Roberthip
  540. Sazrsuv
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  542. Dnrteyx
  543. Roberthip
  544. Lazrjah
  545. Roberthip
  546. Roberthip
  547. Lazrxje
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  549. Cazrhxd
  550. Roberthip
  551. Mazrquf
  552. Cazregb
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  554. Sazrvwu
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  584. Cazrjnh
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  589. Trefmsw
  590. Sazrslv
  591. Sazrryg
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  593. Sazrdff
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  595. Dnrtsvp
  596. Lazrucz
  597. Sazrhwr
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  599. Trefbbt
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  602. Sazrtxc
  603. Dnrtubv
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  605. Sazrrzr
  606. Cazrbcc
  607. Trefqpi
  608. Lazrxme
  609. Sazrwjv
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  611. Sazrvrl
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  613. Trefose
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